Le blog à Boreas

mardi, juillet 29, 2008

A small, albeit funny break!

Two space marine keeping watch over my new... VORTEX MISSILE LAUCHER! I'll be using the rules from BOLS. That will be very nice in my next Apocalypse game, in 4-6 weeks, when my Imperial Army will be facing a massive Nids invasion. I'll be facing a least a Dominatrix, a Hierophant and two hierodules, so I've got to prepare!

jeudi, juillet 10, 2008

The legs are up!

Yep, and towering already! The front and back "cod-pieces" look a bit rough on the pictures. Although it's not as bad on the model, I'm still a bit unhappy with the "texture". The power cables went in fine, using a hair dryer to make them bendable. Doing the second leg was a bit boring, as it involved doing more of the same, cutting pistons and stuff like that. No real creativity hear. I haven't done the toes yet. I regret not doing a base for my Warhound and won't make the same mistake twice. So I guess the toes will go down last, to ensure they "hug" whatever scenery will be under them. Now, onward to the torso!

By the way, that's my first marine. I bought a sprue from the macragge kit, to start testing colors. Not sure about a name or anything, but since GW seems to have ditched the Inquisition, at least for a few... YEARS... I might as well play an army that I'll be able to ally in Apocalypse. Yeah, that and all the uber-goodies coming out in the next codex!